What is On A Mission, LLC.?
On A Mission LLC is a business/Enterprise that is all about giving hope and changing people’s lives for the better. It is a tool that is being used through having a ministry broadcast, writing books, being a mentor, and putting on events that will impact people’s lives for the better. On A Mission LLC/ Mission Statement – To Give Hope and Change lives one person at a time spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially.
About Alex T. Ray, CEO
Alex T. Ray is born and raised in Shreveport, LA where he is a proud citizen. He is a proud father of 2 sons Alex Jr. and Amos. He loves God and has a heart for people and a passion to give hope and change in lives in many ways he has a chance to. He has his own ministry broadcast that he is well known as The Disciple, Alex T. Ray, call Disciples Voice of Hope, that was established in 2015 and have recorded over 50 videos with special guest’s coming on to share a message of hope leading people to Jesus Christ preaching the message of the cross through God’s Grace. Alex T. Ray is a book author where he wrote his first book call ”The Push Swinger” which is a mentor book, that has sold over 500 copies for his first book and has changed many lives. He is a community organizer that has put on his first major event in 2019 called Shreveport Fathers’ Day 5k run and walk, which brought in an estimate of over 500 father’s and their families together from each community and also raise money to give back to single father’s that are in need. He was awarded a Proclamation in 2019 from the city of Shreveport for such an amazing event. He is also a Mentor and motivational speaker, and mental health specialist where he was awarded Social Service Worker of the year in 2018. He is on KSLA news with news anchor Doug Warner where he shares a message of hope to the viewers each week. As you can see Alex T. Ray is definitely on a mission to give hope and change lives locally and all around the world.
Watch the video and see what ” On A Mission, LLC.” is all about.
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Cash App
A lot of what has been done through On A Mission LLC has been through faithful sponsors and those who donated to help complete the mission that Alex T. Ray is on. If you would like to help support our mission, please feel free to donate any amount by cash app at $7RayT
A lot of what has been done through On A Mission LLC has been through faithful sponsors and those who donated to help complete the mission that Alex T. Ray is on. If you would like to hep support our mission, please feel free to donate any amount by PayPal to alexray235@yahoo.com